Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Lois Lane, Fallout by Gwenda Bond

Welcome back fans!

So right now I am reading the book, Lois Lane Fallout By Gwenda Bond. I am only to page 14 and I highly recommend it. Now I'm sure if your in the DC fandom like me when you saw this title you thought, "There is no way that's the SAME Lois Lane that I know from the Daily Planet. There is NO way." Well my friends, you are wrong. This book is about Lois Lane before she meet Clark Kent. It turns out, that Lois was a bit of a trouble maker back in middle school. She reminds me of Percy Jackson in different ways, how she's so sarcastic, she's been to way too many schools to count, and she likes digging into peoples business. That's why at this new school, she's thinking about becoming a reporter. I mean think about it guys. She can ask all the questions she wants, and no one will kick her to the curb. I love this book and here's the cover for you guys. Highly recommended. (Especially because Lois Lane's birthday is the same as mine!)

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